So we are 2 days away from Summer!!! I can't wait! I feel like I am in school! Brucey has 2 days left of finals and we are home free! Keep your fingers crossed that he passes his Spanish Final!
School is so much harder now than we were in school.....The amount of homework and the things these kids have to do is ridiculous.
Does everyone know what Aeries is? Aeries is where you can check your kids grades on line. For most people maybe this was a great thing.....Not for me! It makes me a crazy woman or should I say Mom. My mood can change instantly after checking Aeries. Its bookmarked in my computer on my phone. At one point I think I was checking 4 to 5 times a day. Not a good thing for my kids, their teachers, and my husband says he suffers the most. The worst thing is the teachers are not even required to keep it updated. Why even have it???? I have calmed down and don't check it as much. I was texting Brucey like 5 times a day at school and asking why he was missing this, why did you get this score on a test, on and on and on.....He got a referral twice for his phone and it stated texting MOM....How embarassing for me!
So summer means to me no Aeries, no homework, but I am sure bored kids! Oh well at least I can relax.....I am going to be looking for a job in the next couple of weeks so please pray that I find something....I haven't really ever had a real job. I worked for the gym for 10 years....Super easy....And now I run our business....Super controlling boss(husband)....So this will be a big change. The good news is I can afford to be a little picky and don't need to take just anything. I still want to be around for my kids.
Last but not least....Brucey ended playing football, basketball, and baseball...He received team captain for basketball and baseball and playing JV football. He got pretty good grades for his Freshman year but pretty much bombed spanish....Oh well he is taking over.....You got to take the good with the bad I guess. Brandon also played football, baseball, and travel ball. He is going to be playing all stars which he is really excited about. He also did pretty good in school but bombed math....I know I'm partial but I blame that on the math teacher!Haha....
Well I going to try to blog more at least once a week!