So Bruce went to Girls Treat!!! He had a lot of fun here are some pictures of the night! The kids look so good! Makes me miss my high school days! The pic where they are eating is the day after...They didn't want it to end!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Girls Treat 2009
So Bruce went to Girls Treat!!! He had a lot of fun here are some pictures of the night! The kids look so good! Makes me miss my high school days! The pic where they are eating is the day after...They didn't want it to end!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
What's new? Same Old Thing!
My mom says I am a horrible blogger! She is right! But I really don't have anything new going on.....Let's see Brandon is playing football. His team is going to the superbowl for the 6th year! I don't think Brandon knows what an accomplishment this is....Bruce is playing football and doing very good for being on the JV team as a freshman. Bruce will be going to Girl's Treat this weekend. This is a formal where the girl asks the boy and pays for everything! I love this! LOL! Anyways we still have to get the tux and shoes and flowers....But the kids have a great time and I can't wait to see my son in his tux! Well that's it for know I will post pics this weekend of Girl's Treat!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So this weekend Brandon played his cousin Timmy in football. It was a nail biter. But in the end Brandon's team won. What really touched me was the way Brandon cared more about his cousin & Uncle Tim (coach of the other team) more than the game. His cousin & him actually were captains and he gave him a quick hug before the game. That almost made me cry! All in all last week was a great football week in the Russell house. Bruce & Brandon won both of their games!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Today I can tell you has not been one of the best. But God has blessed me with the 2 greatest people. That is my Mom & my Husband. When life doesn't always go as planned I can always count on them. They keep me grounded and sane. They make any situation seem better after talking to them. They are positive and strong people and they are both mine. So no matter what happens I know I always have them and their love. Unconditional love is more comforting than anything on this earth. I hope that I can always show that to my children, my husband, my family, and my friends.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ok so I am officially a horrible blogger!!! But I am going to start up again at least posting once a week. I love reading my sister's and cousin's blog and I hope other people will enjoy reading mine. So let's see my oldest son Bruce started high school and got moved up to the JV football team. His Dad is so proud. I am just so happy that he is getting really good grades! My youngest son Brandon is doing great in football and just made a traveling baseball team ranked 4th in the nation. He is not too excited about baseball right now but I know as soon as football is over he will be in baseball mode. We will be traveling to New York next summer so he can play baseball in Cooperstown New York. Other than that life is pretty normal. I can't believe how big my boys are getting....In a couple of months they will be 12 & 15......The green & yellow team is Bruce's high school team & the red & black team is Brandon's football team
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Me & My Honey
So today I am celebrating 15 years with my honey....Where did the time go? But I can truly say despite everything I am truly happy....I have a great husband and 2 beautiful boys....Over the years we have been through good times and bad times but I am glad he was one I shared it with...I can really say he is my best friend....he knows everything about me and loves me anyway......So on our anniversay he will be at baseball practice with Brandon and I will go to Wal-Mart to get some stuff I need.....But thats real life my life and I love it!!!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Gracie & Wes

I have known my girlfriend Jill for about 14 years since she was 16 years old!!! And she has turned into a great Mom, wife, and school teacher....I am not surprised at all.....But anyways I had the pleasure of watching her two beautiful kids on Friday (I am a little partial since Grace is our god daughter)......There is nothing more sweet in this world than little kids laughing, playing, and smiling......I have posted some videos of these amazing, beautiful, and very smart kids!!!!! They had me laughing all morning!!!!! Wes definately wants to be just like his Daddy...The second video he is on Bruce's excavtor which he calls his Digger...Hilarious! I sure miss these days with my kids when life was so simple! P.S. this Mom has her kiddies trained anytime I had my phone or camera they were say CHEEESSSSEEEE!!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Brando & Gabe cleaning the pig pen

So Brando & Gabe had to feed pigs and clean the pig pen.....And when you look at how dirty those pens get you know why people say "Your room looks like a pig pen"......But the boys looked so cute out there.....I can't believe how big they have gotten.....I remember them when they were just babies and Gabe was like a foot taller than Brando...He's caught up now....We spent the day together having lunch and hanging out they are hilarious...There is nothing better than kids laughing....I included a video...We had the wierdest Manager at Olive Garden and Gabe & Brando were making fun of him the whole time!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
My Sis-n-law Manda

So you know when you get married everyone tells you all the horror stories of in laws....Well I feel pretty fortunate for my in-laws...They are my family and I love them all.....But I wanted to write this for Manda....I know she has heard me tell this story a million times....But when I met Manda she was riding around in camo pants, no shirt, bandana, and a aviator sunglasses...All Dana had to do was do this crazy whistle and Nick & Manda would come....I think Dana needs to teach me that whistle because I can never get my kids to come....Anyways Manda has always said she wanted to be a cop...And she worked and studied hard and she MADE IT...So I just wanted to let her know how proud of her I am!!! We love you and be safe Manda!!! And I can't wait to come visit you and see you in action
Friday, April 10, 2009
Brando's Home!

Brando went to Great America today!!! I can't believe he rode all the roller coasters! I think his friends talked him into it because I can never get him to go on rides like that....But as soon as the day was over he wanted to come home to mom.....I love that about my Brando he has a heart of gold....He loves his mom and isn't shy to show it....I miss him when he's gone even though sometimes this kid can be such a brat!!!!! He has his Dad's competitiveness but he's emotional like his mom.....Well I'm glad he's home so we can cuddle and watch TV...
Bruce is so bored!!!!!

So I am sitting her with my son who is soooooooooooo bored! I remember when this sweet little boy used to love hanging around me.....Now he is searching his yearbook to see if can find a friend that he can hang around with and texting everyone in his contact list....That is a better alternative than hanging out with mom....I miss when he used to sit in my lap and wrap his chubby little arms my neck and give me big fat kisses....Where did the time go? Now he's taller than me and sounds like a man. No matter how big he gets he will always be my little boy....When I look at him I still see that sweet face and those big green eyes and my heart can't contain all the love I feel for him. I love these moments just Me and him. He just makes me laugh! I wish that time would move slower and I could keep him like this longer. Well this is my first attempt at blogging we will see how it goes...
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